HTM Deluxe:
Senin – Kamis: Rp 15.000 | Jumat: Rp 20.000
Sabtu/Minggu/Libur: Rp 25.000
HTM Premiere:
Senin – Jumat: Rp 35.000
Sabtu/Minggu/Libur: Rp 50.000
Lenmarc Lt 3
Jl Bukit Darmo Boulevard, Surabaya
Tel (031) 5116921
Jadwal Bioskop Lenmarc 8 Desember 2010
Lenmarc The Premiere
The Next Three Days: 15:30 | 18:15 | 21:00
Lenmarc XXI
The Next Three Days: 15:00 | 17:45 | 20:30
Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows Part 1: 15:15 | 18:00 | 20:45
Rapunzel A Tangle Tale: 15:10 | 17:20 | 21:40
Unstoppable: 14:10 | 16:20 | 18:30 | 20:40
Lenmarc XXI ada The Premiere nya yah?? keren, murah kali harganya…
bisa bagi foto premiere nya gak?